On a Saturday in May we also went out to the Tedford Farm for a day to visit with Mark & Alyssa Tedford. Jeremiah got to see Mark catch a few good looking fish and he also got to ride a paddle boat for the first time in his little life. And this was also the day that Michael threw his back out and was out of commission for a few days when we got home and he tried to lift a few grocery bags.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Lydia is 3 Months!
Our little Lydie is 3 months old already! She is bringing much joy to our family with her sweet smiles! She is known this month as "Squeaky" as she has become very vocal with her coos and squeaks of delight whenever anyone pays attention to her. She loves to kick on the floor and look around the room and play in her jungle gym. She has begun to chew on her hand and fist- maybe trying to get her thumb in there. She loves to watch Jeremiah play around the room. She hates tummy time and looks rather like a beached whale as she arches her back and rolls from one side to the next- arms and legs up and flailing. Jeremiah lately has often been caught rolling her onto her tummy this month much to her dismay. He has also piled her with trucks, animals, blankets- you name it. He often is caught waking her up from her nap too. She has begun to fall asleep for naps on her own and is taking mainly 3 naps a day- maybe a 4th short nap. She started sleeping through the night around 11 weeks and is pretty consistent now. She gets up around 7am and goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up for a quick feed at 9:30 then right back to bed. Her tummy issues seem to be residing some- still struggles some at some feedings. So that is Lydie at 3 months. Lately, Jeremiah has been seen trying to potty train Lydia's mouse by dunking it in the toilet.
And Dad-she is not all smiles as you might think- she does cry!!! |
Crazy Kids
A few pics for a Wed. afternoon- Jeremiah trying to be like Lydia in her seat. Jeremiah always goes to lay beside Lydia in her jungle gym. The little blue dress below is a dress Aunt Laura made for Lydia and we think it is pretty cute- thanks Aunt Laura!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Michael's Birthday 31!
Last week we celebrated Michael's birthday! We did a cookout with his family Tuesday night and I made a centerpiece for the table with some of his favorite things- yes a Greek Bible and a Hebrew Bible is included in the display! Gigi and Michael were the invalids of the evening- Michael had hurt his back Sat. night and could barely walk to make it to his party and Grandma Renner fell at church on Sunday and had a nasty double black eyes.
On Wednesday night, Michael's birthday- we took him to his favorite place- LaRosa's pizza for dinner. Here is Jeremiah just waiting to begin.
I made Michael a breakfast that morning of omelets, sausage and donuts. After pizza, we came home and celebrated and did an evening fire in the back when the kids went to bed. And I made him a Gluten Free chocolate cake- yum!!! We sure appreciate all that Michael does for us and the great husband and daddy he is to us and the kids!
The boys |
The boys |
Lydia chewing on her hand |
I made Michael a breakfast that morning of omelets, sausage and donuts. After pizza, we came home and celebrated and did an evening fire in the back when the kids went to bed. And I made him a Gluten Free chocolate cake- yum!!! We sure appreciate all that Michael does for us and the great husband and daddy he is to us and the kids!
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Springs
Last Thursday, we headed to a little getaway for the night- The Springs- in Southern Indiana! It was only an hour away and a beautiful place! We enjoyed the amazingly beautiful cabins and I took a dip in the hot tub at night. Michael and I also had a camp fire at night when the kids went to bed. We cooked hot dogs on the grill, took a few hikes and walks in the meadows, fed Smokey the horse and walked around the lake! We will definitely head back there again for some rest and refreshment! The only downside was Michael hurting his back when he was carrying Jeremiah on his shoulders and Jeremiah jumped a little too hard.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Mother's Day 2013
Though Mother's Day was a little while back, here are a few pics from the day. We went up and visited with Grandma Lyons since she had been in the hospital and rehab for a few months. We also took Lydia to her first Reds Game- she even got a certificate of her first game. Poor Jeremiah- his sister even got to go before him!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Happy Birthday Hubby!
Happy 31st Birthday to my hubby, Michael Lyons! I am so thankful that the Lord brought you into my life and how the Lord has used you to help me be more like Christ! Thank you for your faithfulness in serving the Lord above all else and your family! Michael- you do such a great job at balancing your time amidst many pressures of school, work, church and family. You are so thoughtful and caring to me as your wife and you do a great job wrestling Jeremiah and seeking to train and discipline his little heart! And though Jeremiah takes up most of your energy- Lydia loves how you sing to her and rock her when she cries. We are truly blessed to be your family and to have an amazing, handsome, Godly husband and daddy! We love you!!! Happy 31st Birthday!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Learning to Serve!
This weekend I am learning to serve! We had a wonderful getaway as a family to the "Springs"- pictures to come- but on one of our walks- Michael carried Jeremiah on his shoulders (bad idea) and the kid started jumping up and down- injuring his back. Then Sat. night, Michael twisted the wrong way to pick up some grocery bags and hurt it more. Today he is flat on his back- hardly able to get up and move. After soloing it for 3 days this week, this is not what the rest of my week was "supposed" to look like. Last night- I was running around trying to get Michael dinner and get him drinks and anything he needed, while also trying to keep Jeremiah from literally jumping on Michael while he lay on the couch. And trying to calm and feed a screaming baby. The Lord is teaching me to serve my family in a new way this weekend. I am afraid it is also revealing my selfishness at times, as I want to sit and relax and instead I must give still more. And so my constant prayer is that God would give me grace to serve my family with joy- especially this week as Michael is going to need more of my help and will not be able to help me as much. And pray for Michael that God would heal his back and he would be able to function a little more this week!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Soloing It!
Michael has been out of town since Monday and today he is coming home- yay! We are more than ready! This is my first time with the two kids by myself for 3 days! The Lord has been more than gracious though I have been EXHAUSTED!!! But we are overjoyed to have Daddy home in a few hours! I have learned more patience this week, dependence on the Lord for grace and strength and appreciated more the fact that God has given me a Godly leader, example and wonderful Daddy who loves to play with his kids. Jeremiah cannot wait to wrestle and play "beep beep" with Dadda! We can't wait for you to get home Michael!!!
Tomorrow- we are celebrating by going away as a family overnight to a Retreat Center in Indiana- the Springs- looking forward to staying in a cabin and spending some family time together!
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A walk with Sarah Brown a few weeks ago! |
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Happy Rainy Saturday!
Being a mother is one of the hardest roles I have ever had. On this upcoming Mothers Day, I think about the few years while we were at Southern Seminary that I longed to be a mom. I remember talking to many women and sweet friends that themselves longed for children and yet God in his perfect plan had not granted kiddos to them. I do remember the pain of Mother's Day after having a miscarriage and even those years of trying to have kids feeling a punch in the gut on this day as mothers were honored at church. I always hope to remember Mother's Day- not only to celebrate it but also to remember those women who long to be mothers and feel the weight of the empty womb! I pray that if my husband is a pastor one day we will collectively look out for those women who are hurting or who may have lost their moms and this day holds pain for many of them. I also was reminded this year of the importance of honoring women that have been a "Spiritual Mother" to me in shepherding, loving, encouraging and guiding me in this earthly role of mother. And I pray that those who were never able to have their own children would be reminded that they can be a "spiritual mother" to many many women and young moms that need an adoptive mother!
I am also reminded on Mother's Day of many years ago- I listened to a powerful message by John Piper- "To Be A Mother is a Call To Suffer." This message has impacted me more than any on the call of Motherhood to suffer- not what you would think of an encouraging Mother's Day message. Yet, it reminded me that Motherhood is a call daily to take up your cross and selflessly follow Christ and point your children to Christ and lay down your life for your husband and children! It is a humbling and dying to self and serving others with joy because of Christ! Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 10, 2013
The Zoo
We have been enjoying the beautiful weather a lot lately, hence why I have not had as many posts lately. We have visited the zoo a few times this spring with some friends and together as a family one night when I found that the zoo is free every Thursday night in April after 5pm- who would have known? We will def. have to remember that for next year. The tulips this year were beautiful at the zoo! In other new, Michael has finished his 3rd year of classes! We are very thankful that he is finished and now will begin right away to study for his comps year- a whole year of studying for 3 big tests that he will take next May.
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