I intended to do this a few months ago- but life with little ones got away from me!
Josiah is about 21 months now- getting closer to 2 and is beginning the throws of the temper tantrums and whines right now. But he still is for the most part as sweet, contented little boy. Of all our kids, Josiah love to hug! He just loves to run up to you and give you a big hug! He loves to cuddle and loves his pacy and loves dragging around his blankie! I can't remember the other two loving their milk bottle like Josiah does! He loves milk and still loves his bottle! Josiah loves to dance with Lydia right now and loves to go up and hug his siblings. He is very good about folding his hands when we pray whereas the other two were not that great at this age. He was a late walker at 19 months but now loves to run and walk around and explore everything! He is a boy of few words, a deep observer of nature and everything around him. He still communicates best by pointing to things and going "this." He has slowly started saying "Dada," "Mama," "ball," "up."
That is little Josiah right now at this age.