Thursday, March 13, 2025

Magic Kingdom

The Lord graciously provided a trip to Magic Kingdom and Disney World over spring break this week. We went for a few days down to Orlando. My sisters-in-laws blessed us with staying in their Disney timeshare at Saratoga Springs Resort.  On top of that most generous gift, they also got us tickets to Magic Kingdom for the day on Monday.  It felt like such a lavish gift and we are so thankful for the time together as family. The kids had so much fun. I think their favorite ride was the splash mountain as well as Space mountain roller coaster.  Judah just loved driving the cars and the roller coaster.  So thankful for this gift.  


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sea World

For Christmas, we got our kids a great deal on tickets to Sea World.  It was so great!  We loved it so much.  The kids loved the penguin roller coaster.  Judah loved the train and little roller coaster.  We loved the orca and dolphin show.  Amazing!  


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Pictures ...


Lydia History Comes Alive

Lydia was Mary for her History Comes Alive.  


Josiah 10!!!!

Josiah turned 10 on Friday.  He loved doing the ropes course at the zoo.  We had chicken pasta toss for dinner and heard a missionary speak at night.  Saturday, he decorated his cake for his afternoon birthday party at the park.  It was a fun birthday for this boy!