Saturday, July 6, 2013

Misc. Photos

 Rain, rain go away.  It has been raining for many solid days here in Cincinnati.  We are about to go jump in the big giant puddle in the back to get outside.  So on a brighter note, I thought I would post a few pictures of the flowers I have planted around and a few projects.  We have switched Michael's desk into our bedroom and put up a little crib for Lydie in J's room.  I had a few goals for this summer with the kids- one being potty training.  Jeremiah is doing pretty well in Week #2- even doing pretty well at not wetting himself at nap time.  His main struggle- going out to friends house- he gets so excited with his friends and toys that he forgets to tell me and truth- be- told I forget to ask him too and then we have lots of accidents. :)  We will need to work on that.  My other goal is to try to put the kids in the same bedroom at night- I am a little nervous about it and thinking about doing it either this week or when we get back from vacation but I think it is time to make the move in not that Lydie is practically rolling in her little bassinet crib.  We shall see.

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