Hard to believe my little guy turns 3 today! We are planning on going to Music class with our friends this morning and going out to lunch with one of his best buds- Jack. We are going to have a quiet night together as a family with his favorite food pizza! And Saturday- I am planning a little Curious George Birthday party for him in the evening so we are busy getting ready.
Jeremiah is a sweet, caring little boy full of loads of energy. He also is known as a boy who likes to have fun and loves playing with his friends! His favorite activities lately are playing with his trains and building tracks! He also loves to line up his trucks and enjoys singing and dancing! He has also learned to ride his tricycle lately and loves to pedal in the basement chasing me! He loves to go fast too and of course, crash into walls and objects! He is a fun loving little boy who loves life and loves having fun- and he loves to wrestle with his Daddy. He is not too big on crafts yet, but anything that involves running and jumping- he is into it! Happy 3rd Birthday Jeremiah Michael! You are a special little guy! So glad the Lord gave you to us!
Jeremiah Turns 1! |
Jeremiah Turns 2! |
Jeremiah Turns 3! |
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