It has been a whirlwind of a week here... we are thankful for so many things- thankful for God's perfect timing of this little one as this week Michael has spring break from Xavier and he has been GREAT- truly Mr. Mom- though he is ready for me to take my role back. :) He has been getting the kids up and dressed and fed in the morning so I can go back to sleep for a few more winks and he has been doing laundry, folding, dishes, cleaning- lots of help! We could not have done this first week without the help of SO many dear people from church who have been taking the kids some each morning to give me and Michael a break- it has truly been a blessing! :) Now my parents are on their way to help with Week #2 or at least my mom will stay for a little bit.

We ended up coming home from the hospital on Monday morning. I got discharged before midnight on Sunday night and was able to sleep in the room while they waited to make sure Josiah was nursing well through the night and that he was having enough wet diapers. In the morning, the pediatrician said he was free to go home. A sweet lady at our church took to the kids for the whole day so Michael's parents could go to work! We arrived home and my dear sister-in-law made us dinner that night- she made a feast- so sweet! When the kids arrived- I admit- I had a slight breakdown. I was and still am a bit overwhelmed by the change of a new baby with the other two and the post-partum hormones. Michael has been sleeping across the hall to get some rest to take care of the other two. I think our biggest struggle this week has been Jeremiah & Lydia- they seem to love the new babe but their routine is off and I think they miss mommy being around more and able to do things. Lydia wants to sit on my lap when I nurse Josiah but she does pretty well sitting beside me. Jeremiah has been acting out some. We are praying that in the next couple weeks- they will adjust to this new addition to the family.

Josiah on the other hand has been such a mellow little guy so far- we know this could change. But so far he has been the easiest one to get to sleep at night after I nurse him and seems to be pretty content little guy and so far seems to be eating well too. Now I know this could all change but thankful for a relatively calm first week with the little guy.
The interesting fact from the hospital: They no longer want you to swaddle your babies in Cincinnati- apparently a nurse was telling us that Cincinnati has the highest infant death rate- now that will scare ya- and so they use the swaddle sleep sacks instead now. We are still swaddling our babe at home thought. :) Just an interesting fact- times are always changing. :)
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