Thursday, May 22, 2014

Happy Birthday to Michael!!!!

Happy Birthday to Michael!!!!
You did it!  We are praying for you right now as you are taking your final Hebrew Bible exam- on your birthday!  Praying that God would recall all that you have diligently studied!
Here are a few things we admire about you:
*  You are such a diligent, disciplined worker- this whole year you have set your own pace and studied so hard!
*  You love your kids and take time for them even in the midst of stress!
*  You have always been good about putting people over tasks- even studies like comprehensive exams!
*You persevere and keep going even when it gets tough!
*  You rely on God and He is your treasure in your day to day life!
*As we watched Captain America this weekend- you have what it takes-  you are a man that is not afraid to do the hard things for God's glory!  And I know you will teach Jeremiah what it means to be bold and courageous, to be a man for the cause of Christ!
* You love the church and the people of God and I love how you teach Jeremiah about the blessing of worshipping in the church with the people of God!
* You are so happy and just always have such a positive perspective!

Your Family Loves You!  We are definitely glad to celebrate with you tonight even though you will be tired!  To the park with some LaRosas pizza- here we come!  We are glad to have you back!
Love, Erin & Jeremiah & Lydia too :)
Lydia says- Daddy- I love that you play with me and make me laugh and tickle me!  You are so fun!  When you come in the door- I love to scoot on my  bottom and yell, "DADDA!"
Jeremiah says- Daddy- I love wrestling with you!  When you come home from your test tonight- can we play "T-REX" and can I eat you tonight!  :)  I love to wrestle and read with you- those are my favorite things to do!  

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