* My new little nephew is here! My sister had her baby on Friday, May 2 via c-section because the baby was breech. Little Christopher Michael is a cutie and weighed a whopping 9lb. 8oz. Rachel is doing great! I always knew she would be a great mom and Lord willing in a month we will get to see the little guy! Distance is hard- I am wishing I could squeeze the little guy- but I am thankful we will see him in a month or so and often think of a sweet friend across the ocean who cannot go so easily to see her sister's babies. So right now, I am praying hard for them as they adjust as parents and try to get "some" rest and trying to get daily updates.
* This is the week- Michael's first exam is this Thursday, May 8th- the whopping Akkadian exam! He is just a little stressed. I have to say- Michael is the most disciplined diligent worker I know- the Lord is giving him much grace. And well- I am tired- but by God's grace we are making it through this season- praying for extra strength and grace this week and prayers appreciated for Michael on Thursday at 8 a.m as he takes the first of 3 exams.
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