Blessings... we have a new van!!! A red Toyota Sienna! Praising God for this answer to prayer!
The Van Saga: While we were in York over Christmas, my brother-in-law randomly spotted on Craigslist a van that to Michael seemed like a great price for what we were needing for this third child coming our way. We had been praying and saving and looking for a van but were not expecting to find one in PA. Needless to say, Michael called the fella the next day and we headed to Lancaster (Amish Country) to see this van. The place was a bit strange, the owner was Muslim and did not speak much English (in Amish country!)- we looked at the van, took it for a test drive and then went home. Michael then followed up the next day with more questions and inquires about the van. My dad and Michael were the team that went to talk to the guys and look things over- they had a lot of bonding time! We didn't know if it all would pull through to get it before we came home but praise the Lord- God provided in the details! Michael even was able to share the gospel with the salesman who spoke English and was Hispanic.
So the van is not perfect- it is a 2008 Toyota Sienna with good mileage- a few dings and dents and scratches but we are convinced this is the van the Lord has for us for this time. And we were able to drive it home to Cincinnati January 2! Praise God for His timing as Michael had more time over Christmas to look at things with the car than he would have now.
Another amazing blessing- on coming home, about 2 weeks later, we found out that an anonymous family had prayed and felt burdened to buy us a van. When they found out we brought one home- they gave us the money we paid for the van! We were floored and continue to be amazed at God's great grace and provision for us! What a blessing! I am just amazed because the Honda we now drive was given to us in Seminary by sweet friends that wanted to give us a car after we had only had 1 vehicle for many years! We praise God for how He has provided these vehicles for us over the years! We are going to call it God's Van! As it truly does not belong to us!
I keep thinking of the hymn that Jeremiah and I like to sing in the car- Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
So exciting! Such a nice car. Looking forward to meeting Lyon-cub number 3! :)