Yesterday I went in for a routine appointment at 8am. My blood pressure was high so they decided to send me to triage to be monitored and have more blood work. I spent the next few hours in triage awaiting what the docs would decide. They almost sent me home until they reviewed blood work again and determined that my platelet count was very low- signs of preeclampsia and they wanted to keep me and induce- a similar thing that happened with Lydia only my fluid levels were low and I was overdue. So again- I had nothing packed or ready and was not prepared to stay and deliver that day. The Lord making me flexible. They moved me to L & D and gave me a pill to soften my cervix- we did this for 8 hours just waiting and waiting- 12-8pm. I had a few visitors- Stephanie Langdon kept me company and Becky Verhagen as well helped us pass the time and Dad Lyons came in. I was a little discouraged at this point as I was hungry and hoping things would go faster- it felt like a long day! Thankfully the gel started contractions on my own and they moved me at 9pm to an Active Labor room and I didn't need Pitocin. I then labored in the room and around 10:30pm decided it was time for my epidural. I was getting really tired at this point and after the epidural was able to rest until about 12:30 felt like I needed to push and the nurse kindly got the doctor who said I should try to wait another hour to make sure I had all my antibiotics but I was telling her that I needed to push now. They set me up for delivery and after 1 short push- the little boy arrived. It helped I am sure that he was a little guy.

My good friend Laura from Seminary also was being induced yesterday and it was a blessing to be able to text back and forth and hear when she delivered her son- hard to believe the two boys were born so close together- one day a part.
We welcome Josiah Patrick Lyons into our family- born on February 28th at 1:02am. He was 6lb. 9oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. More details later on how we chose his name for our family! Birthday buddy to Julie Langdon whose birthday is today- she is excited about that!
He's beautiful!!! Congrats. Glad y'all are doing well :) Josiah Patrick is a lovely name.