Sunday, November 1, 2020

Joel's Potty Story...

This is little Joel's potty story.  It has now come to its end. almost a year later.  This little boy began potty training in November of 2019.  He met his challenges with at first some success.  Though as he went along, he found himself forgetting all that he had learned and peeing in his pants at various times throughout the day.  He loved and was motivated by chocolate chips, yet this was not enough to sustain him to stop and run to the potty while he played.  The pooping part of his potty success did not come for 10-11 months later.  In the Spring, while bathrooms were scarce because of Covid, we often found Joel peeing outside by a tree.  This Fall, I was at the end of my rope, willing to pay anyone that could potty train this little boy.  I was desperately praying that God would cause a breakthrough that only he could do.  Finally, the middle of September, one Friday night, Joel decided he would poop on the potty if he could watch Cars and get chocolate chips, quite a negotiator that one.  We are not sure if it was watching the Cars movie or the chocolate chips but he has not turned back since that one Friday night.  In a lot of ways, I felt like it was an answer to prayer of God doing the impossible for me and I am so thankful.  

Way to go little buddy!  The Lord really did help you do this! 


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