Friday, April 9, 2010

And the winner is...

After almost TWO years researching PhD schools, applying to them, and waiting..........

we have decided where we believe God is leading us to go next in our ministry...
God is calling us to minister and grow at....

HEBREW UNION COLLEGE (HUC) in Cincinnati, Ohio- Where Michael will study Hebrew and Old Testament!!!

Thanks for all your prayers, advice, and patiently waiting to see what happens next! We certainly never thought we would be going to HUC, but God made it very clear that we are supposed to be at that school. It is very humbling and merciful to think that God would provide us with a full ride and stipend to study God's word. There are still unanswered questions about the future, but we are confident that God will provide as we lean and trust in him. 

Looks like at the end of July we will be packing up and leaving our sweet Louisville and heading to Cincy for the next season of our lives.  The Lord has truly blessed us as Michael received a full ride and stipend and we will live in an apartment in Cincinnati in a small building owned by Michael's parents.  Praise the Lord!

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