Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Weekend

Last weekend, we took a quick trip to our old stomping grounds of Louisville, KY!  We left on Thursday after Michael's classes to see the Keith & Krystn Getty concert-  despite coming down with a cold that day it was sooo enjoyable and worshipful!  We got to stay with our dear and most hospital friend Anne Marrs who made us a yummy meal!  Friday we were able to see some of graduation, Erin was able to see some of her co-workers and we were able to have lunch with your dear friends!  We went to Havanna Rumba and we were not disappointed with our Cuban dishes!  But the fellowship was the sweetest of all! 
We really miss our dear friends that the Lord has given us from our time at Southern!  I am realizing now that that season was very sweet, being surrounded by so many strong believers that have a passion to serve the Lord!  Saturday night we had Sarah Brown over and tried to make our traditional Thanksgiving dinner though it was a bit late!  The turkey was quite the success due to our expert bone picker, Sarah Brown!  :)

This weekend's line-up:  Meeting with Meredith Irving in Lebanon, OH for lunch and possibly seeing Mark & Leslie Awabdy who happen to be visiting family on our street. :)
As well as date night tonight to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader as well as seeing Handel's Messiah tomorrow with some Hebrew Union students! 

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