Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Grandma Renner

 Grandma Renner ( Michael's Grandma ) is such a sweet lady!  The Lord continues to use her in our lives!  She is in her 90s and is such a neat woman!  Of the traits in her that I hope to emulate some day is her joyful spirit and sweet generosity!  The other week she sent us this card that she beautifully painted with a note and a check!  She said that her income had increased and wanted to bless others with it!  What a beautiful picture of a woman who does not see this world as her home nor money!  She joyfully gives to others!  I pray that if I live to be her age- I would be like that someday! 
 Grandma Renner and Jeremiah!
 On another note, who is pulling himself up on EVERYTHING this week- Jeremiah!  During the first half hour of nap, he pulled himself to this position and could not get down- I kept having to go in and lay him back down on the bed- silly kid.  :)
Anything he can pull up on he loves to!!!!  He is a growing boy- busy as ever!  :)


  1. Wait wait wait -- Thelma is Michael's grandma? The myriad connections at ECC never cease to amaze me . . . and I thought I had them all figured out by now!

  2. look at those cheeks! he is getting SO big!
