Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The end is near...

 Found these little monkeys jumping on the bed...  glad we didn't have to call the doctor. :)
The end is near!  Tomorrow Michael takes his last exam- we are praising the Lord and still praying for him! He is beyond tired and still feeling stressed!  We are all feeling a little worn- stress has been high, the kids have felt our weakness and instead of telling us to lie on the couch and bring us cold lemonade- they have seized the opportunity to make it crazy around here!  We have been struggling with Jeremiah big time- I sense he can tell we are stressed and that Daddy has not been around too much!  But God's grace abounds!  In times like these, we are reminded that we are weak- we need God's grace!  I have been reading the book Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full by Gloria Furman and she reminds me that one of our family traditions should be that we rely on God's grace as a family!  I need God's grace for this moment, this day and so do they.  May I be quick to acknowledge my need for God's grace and be quick to repent when I blow it and think only of "Me."  Praise God that the end of this "season" is near.  We know there will be more- we know we need some recovery after this season but the end is near. :)  Pray for Michael tomorrow as he takes the biggest exam yet- his Hebrew Bible exam that could be 10 hours long- and it is birthday- poor guy!

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