Thursday, January 17, 2013

Delp Christmas in PA- part 1

 Over Christmas, we headed to York, PA to visit my parents and siblings and friends.  We could entitle this visit- the shadow of Pop!  Jeremiah followed Pop everywhere and wanted to help with cooking, wanted Pop to read to him, he wanted to watch Wheels on Bus with Pop.  Even now, the little boy will find a picture of Pop on our coasters or on the fridge and hold up his hands so that Pop can pick him up.  He always does this when we Skype too- guess he doesn't understand the miles- I mean Pop should be able to "pop" over through the screen to say hello, right!
Christmas reading & presents

 We had some snow in PA and Jeremiah was trying to throw snowballs at my dad and dad was also teaching him how to shovel. 

 My dad always quotes this poem- his dad used to quote it a lot. :)  

A Fathers Thought......

A careful man I ought to be,
A little fellow follows me,
I do not dare to go astray,
For fear that he'll go the selfsame way,
Not once can I escape his eyes,
What e'er he see's me do he tries,
Like me he says he's going to be,
That little chap who follows me,
I must remember as I go,
through summer sun and winter snow,
I'm molding for the years to be,
That little chap who follows me!

 I also got to visit with Sara Fillmann- my best friend all throughout high school and roomies in college!  Her two sweet kids came over to play and Sara and I got to visit a little bit. 

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