Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No nap Tuesday...

Well, my little ones have been waging war on naptime.  For the past 3 of the 4 days- Jeremiah has refused to nap.  It seems his ever comforting blankie after wash time has not been as comforting anymore.  And therefore no nap.  Meanwhile little Lydia seems to be more alert and fussy during the only rest time of the day- nap time.  Last week, we waged war on Jeremiah's eating time at dinner as the kid has been so picky and would literally not eat his soup two days in a row. If anyone has tips on picky eaters or getting kids to eat vegetables.  Tonight we may try my friend Amy Samad's spinach muffins. 

1 comment:

  1. Christy Gould told me about this site and I love it: http://weelicious.com/ I love that a lot of the foods are not just kid friendly, but good for the whole family.
    I'm sorry he didn't nap!
